An overview of building and configuring smart contracts with build3 foundation blockchain.
Getting Setup
The build3 framework is built using the contracts pallet and is compatible with the contract language ink!
Install the most recent working build.
Pre-alpha release not ready. After all minimum features have been implemented, it will be posted. Stay tuned!
Install the ink! CLI
to aid in developing smart contracts
Ensure the ink! CLI is installed!
Do not create contract projects in the node directory
Navigate to a new directory outside of the node source code. This directory would ideally be dedicated to developing and compiling contracts.
Create new a contract using:
WARNING! The contract CLI tool may not build with the same parity scale index configuration. The Cargo.toml file will have to be updated to match the parity-scale-codec version and scale-info version from the installed node.
The out of the box TOML file is confi
Testing contracts in the off-chain environment provided by ink! is easy with:
To build (compile your contract to WASM), navigate to the contract directory and run:
metadata.json is distributed with each build and has information about
types - data types used
storage - storage values within the contract and how to access them
spec - information about callable functions
Start the Node
Navigate to the node directory where a working release is installed.
Start the node in dev mode using:
Use substrate_ Hosted UI
Go to the substrate UI with your running local blockchain and follow the instructions to deploy the contract code.
Last updated